
Community-Based Awareness

PARC’s Community-Based Awareness programs are designed to meet the needs of local citizens and groups. The programs are designed to be 30 minutes to 1 hour in duration, are interactive, and often include activities that reinforce the principles of the program.

Alcohol and Other Date Rape Drugs – This program offers information developed with local law enforcement regarding current date rape drug trends. Also included is information on how to protect yourself and others.

PDF - Alcohol and Other Date Rape Drugs

Body Safety – The program is designed for parents and assists them in talking with their children about sexual abuse and the Five Body Safety Rules.

PDF - Body Safety

BullyingThis is a No Bully Zone is designed to teach students in grades second through fourth about the types of bullying and ways to stop it. Stop Bullying, Parent Tips was created to assist parents in identifying the signs that their child is being bullied.

PDF - This is a No Bully Zone

PDF - Stop Bullying, Parent Tips

Bystander Intervention – It Starts With You focuses on helping students understand what it means to be an active bystander. The program teaches different techniques people can use to intervene safely on behalf of someone who needs assistance.

PDF - Bystander Intervention

Cyber SafetyCyberbullying, How Would You Like it? focuses on helping students develop positive behaviors as they encounter friends and classmates in a virtual world. Cyber Safety is a related program to assist parents in navigating this increasingly important issue.

PDF - Cyberbullying, How Would You Like it?

PDF - Cyber Safety

PDF - Popular Social Media Apps & Websites

Healthy Relationships – One in three teens will experience some form of abuse in dating relationships. This program focuses on recognizing healthy relationships, as well as how students can help friends who are experiencing abuse.

PDF - Healthy Relationships

HIV and Intimate Partner Violence – This program defines intimate partner violence and human immunodeficiency virus and explains the connection between the two. It also offers techniques to assist impacted individuals.

PDF - HIV and Intimate Partner Violence

Sexual Violence within the LGBT+ CommunityStop the Stigma educates attendees about the unique factors that members of our LGBT+ community may experience when impacted by sexual violence. It explains the existing barriers and helps people learn how to assist appropriately.

PDF - Sexual Violence within the LGBT Community

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